Week 11 ArcGIS JavaScript API
Week 11: ArcGIS API for JavaScript
ArcGIS JavaScript API Documentation¶
API's software development kit (SDK) provide many sample code to demonstrate how to accomplist a interactive map with the API. A good way for learning the API, espically for the beginner is to find a sample that fit your needs and midify it based on your requirements.
JavaScript API in ArcGIS Pro has contents but not limited to below:
- Key features
- Install and Set up
- ...
API Reference¶
Referecne > Core API Reference
Sample Code¶
- Check the code in Sandbox
You can modify the code and see the change immediately appear on the right side
basemap: "dark-gray" zoom = 10 center : []
JavaScript Github¶
Setup API¶
Web Page Component¶
Load the map and mapview modules¶
- Load modules
- Creating instance
For the name of the module, you can have any name but make sure it is easier to keep track
The name of the module should be in the same order of module
require(["esri/Map", "esri/views/MapView"], (Map, MapView) => {
const map = new Map({
basemap: "topo-vector"
const view = new MapView({
container: "viewDiv",
map: map,
zoom: 4,
center: [15, 65] // longitude, latitude
Add layers¶
Thank you Dr. John Rogan, for providing the Solar Panel data to enrich my course content! :)
Data Soucr: Clark University HERO program
- Check link below to see how the different layers are defined in web map
The below map add the feature layer and GeoJson layer
Practice 1. Add Feature Layer¶
Feature layer can be added to the map through ArcGIS Online Service URL
Add Data: Solor Panel to the map
- Define the module
- Add FeatureLayer
const featureLayer = new FeatureLayer({
url: "https://services5.arcgis.com/FKwcDz27wRAj4HUT/arcgis/rest/services/Solar_Panel_Data/FeatureServer/0"});
- Add FeatureLayer to the Map
Map interaction using popups¶
- Respond to mouse clicks
- Provides info on
- feature attribute
- Customizable
FeatureLayer has associated popupTemplate property¶
Check the popupTemplate Property in FeatureLayer
Practice 2: Add Popup Windown to FeatureLayer¶
- Create a popuptemplate object and add a title
const template = { title:"Solar Panel in Providence"};
- Add content to the PopupTemplate
Please add two fields date_built
and solar_area
based on sample code
The LayerList widget display a list of layers and switch/off their visibility.
Practice 4: Add LayerList¶
LayerList widget display a list of layers for your map
Add title property to FeatureLayer can change the layer's name in LayerList
- Create a legend instance
- Add legend to view
Practice 5: Add Legend¶
- Define a set of symbols to use for the layer
- Set the rules on how the symbols are used
First, check the render for Solar Panel in ArcGIS Online
Renderers can be accomplished by various property